About my hypnosis practice
Hypnosis is a powerful tool, since it is based on taking you to a hypnotic state, where you will be in deep relaxation and we can reprogram your subconscious and limiting beliefs with positive affirmations.
What is the hypnotic state?
The hypnotic state is a state of extreme relaxation of focused attention, it is when your brain waves are in theta. You are in that state much more often than you imagine, when you are about to wake up, when you watch a movie carefully, when you read a book or when you drive. That is why it is important to be careful what you consume because your subconscious programs itself and stores that information.
What can I expect from a Hypnosis session?
You can expect to feel very relaxed during a hypnosis session and wake up very energetic and happy. You are always in control, it works because you choose to relax and let go.
How safe is hypnosis?
It is a completely safe and wonderful technique to treat an impressive number of problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, addictions, grief, trauma, self-esteem, weight loss, pain, among others.
What can it serve me?
-To treat an impressive number of problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, addictions, grief, trauma, self-esteem, pain, among others.
-It is also used to do regressions to childhood to find the root of a problem and reprogram your perspective. We can also find the root by doing regressions to past lives for those who connect with that, understanding that time is a game, an illusion and that all timelines coexist here and now. Mediation therapy is also used in which you can negotiate with your subconscious and find the true purpose of your anger, your anxiety, your fears, etc.
What is the Margaux method?
The working method used by Margaux is personalized and created based on the needs of each person, she has a great ability to connect and perceive, being able to read and identify the needs of each person. During the sessions you will receive meditation and breathing exercises, as well as other tools so that you can better manage any difficulty you may be experiencing.