Work method

It is very important for Margaux to be able to follow up on the treatment to be able to achieve what you come looking for. Generally Margaux works in cycles, this makes the person commit to their process and can have a positive result.
It is not excluded to request a single session of family constellation and/or Akashic reading.

In order to begin any process Margaux needs to carry out an evaluation, having a therapeutic appointment with you, except for the Akashic reading and the family constellation.

Step 1.
– Make an appointment with her for the evaluation which must confirm the value with her.

Step 2.
– If you decide to work in cycles to do a more rounded job, then Margaux will send to your email the work plan proposal with the number of days and total value of the therapies after the evaluation.

Step 3.
– You must sign the agreement that is here before starting.

Step 4.
– You must make the corresponding payment, if it is the cycle then it corresponds to 50 % of the total value.
– If it is an Akashic reading or a constellation, then the full value must be deposited.

Step 5.
– Organize schedules and days that the therapy(s) will be carried out.